Adult ADHD is hard to diagnose.
Diagnosing your patients with ADHD takes time, requiring completing checklists and taking a psychosocial history. More and more patients are relying on their family physicians to make the diagnosis, but you have a busy practice. ADHD requires both time and skill to collect the right information for an informed diagnosis.
The Canadian ADD Resource Alliance (CADDRA) has produced a toolkit recommended for diagnosing ADHD ( Following its guidelines, Jennifer is skilled at interviewing clients to get the information needed for you to make a fully informed diagnosis. Working collaboratively with you, she can help you make the most efficient use of your time while also increasing your confidence in the diagnosis.
As a registered psychotherapist who specializes in the treatment of adult ADHD, Jennifer welcomes the opportunity to work with you in helping to diagnose your adult ADHD patients in a timely manner and enabling them to create a path towards understanding and treatment.